Immunity Strengthening 101 With Fruitezy

Winter is still upon us. Guess that means that the flu is still going around and that is a big no-no for anyone who knows the struggle of dealing with it.
Nobody likes to be run-down and stuck in bed, so here at Fruitezy we give to you a guide to strengthen your immune system for now and into the future that will have your natural defence system wired to keep out the winter bugs.
Fruits and vegetables are nature’s gift to us, filled with vitamins, minerals and key nutrients that give us the ability to strengthen our bodies both physically and mentally. We will take you through the fruits and vegetables that have a key source of immune strengthening nutrients that gives your body a chance against defending the winter bugs.
1. Sweet potatoes: Are a rich source of vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin E. The antioxidants Vitamin A and beta-carotene aid in the protection of cells from free radical damage. Furthermore these antioxidants help develop and maintain a healthy immune function
2. Green leafy vegetables: super foods that are currently being so raved about today; spinach, silver beet, cabbage, broccoli, kale, bok choy, choy sum and baby pak choy. Filled with vitamins, mineral and antioxidants that support general health and immunity. Containing vitamin A, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, folic acid and vitamin B2. This abundance of vitamins and minerals allows for the body to gain the required nutrients needed in order to defend against the winter bugs.
3. Garlic: Adding a clover or two of garlic to your cooking this winter will surely boost your health and immunity. Containing anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties it proves to be powerful in defeating those winter bugs we all hate. In addition, a number of health benefits come from including garlic in your diet, these include:
- Support of the immune system
- Aiding in the fighting symptoms of the cold such as
o Mucous congestion
o Coughs
- Developing and maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system
4. Beetroot: this immunity boosting vegetable is abundant in vitamin A and C with also being a high source of iron. Low deficiencies of iron in our diets reduce our general health and wellbeing, which would lead to the function of our immune system being depleted. Hence, beetroot is on our list for vegetables that strengthen our immune system to deal with the winter bugs.
5. Pumpkin: pumpkins prove to be a hit during every winter. Pumpkin soup seem to be the best way to warm up over the winter. While you warm yourself up you also boost your immune system with nutrients such as vitamin A and beta-carotene. But it doesn’t stop there, people disregard dried pumpkin seed, however they offer a very rich source of zinc. Having a balance intake of zinc in your diet can help reduce the severity and duration of the cold thus is a must have when you are sick with the flu.
1. Kiwi: are abundant in vitamin C, vitamin E and potassium, hence are great for supporting our immune health and are beneficial when we have a cold
2. Mandarins: are a magnificent source of vitamin C, beta-carotene and folic acid all which help maintain our general wellbeing and is needed to maintain healthy circulatory system
3. Paw-Paws: presently have the super stars of nutrients within them. Containing vitamin A, beta-carotene, folic acid and lycopene with enzymes such as papain allow for our immune system and digestion system to operate at full capacity
4. Bananas: are bursting with nutrients and are everyone’s favourite fruit due to the affordability for everyone. With a rich source of magnesium, potassium, chromium, folic acid and vitamin B6 helps support our bodies during winter’s harshness.
1. Ginger: Adding ginger to your diet is a major key. Adding it to your soups, stir-fry’s or even straight into hot water with some honey to make a tea is not only delicious but sooths those horrendous sore throats and offers to strengthens our immune system all at once. Hence makes the list in the super foods that aid our body’s defence during winter
With over 50 years in the Fresh Produce industry, the team at Fruitezy work extremely hard to bring the very best produce available to our loyal customers 52 weeks of the year. We work closely with all our suppliers and are proud supporters of our hard working Australian farmers who continually deliver premium quality produce to our stores. All our produce is carefully selected to offer the best possible value for money to all our clients. We pride ourselves in being the best Greengrocer in Sydney and we take our business very serious, where food is not just a commodity, it’s our way of life. You can always rely on Fruitezy to look after you. We hope that this guide will enable you to further your defence against the winter bugs ever present every day.