When choosing globe artichokes, look for ones that are heavy, firm, and have tightly closed leaves. A vibrant green colour is a sign of freshness. Select artichokes that feel solid and weighty, indicating juiciness and tenderness.
To preserve the freshness of your globe artichokes, store them in the refrigerator. Wrap each artichoke in a damp paper towel to maintain moisture and place them in a plastic bag. Stored this way, artichokes can stay fresh for up to a week, ensuring you have ample time to prepare your artichokes.
Prepping artichokes may seem daunting, but fear not! Start by trimming the outer leaves, snipping off the tips to remove any thorns. Trim the stem, leaving about 2cm intact. Rinse the artichokes under cold water to eliminate any dirt or impurities. Drop into a bowl of cold water that has a generous squeeze of lemon juice added to prevent browning. Now, they're ready for the next step in your culinary adventure!
Artichokes lend themselves well to various cooking methods, each bringing out unique flavours. Steaming is a popular option as it preserves the natural sweetness and delicate flavours of the artichokes. Alternatively, you can boil, roast, grill, or even stuff them for a more indulgent experience. Experiment with different methods to find your favourite!
Goes with:
Discovering the perfect flavour combinations for your globe artichokes will take your culinary experience to new heights. Here are some tantalizing suggestions:
Lemon and Garlic: The zesty tang of lemon and the aromatic allure of garlic complement artichokes beautifully. Prepare a simple lemon-garlic dipping sauce with fresh lemon juice, minced garlic, and a drizzle of olive oil for a delightful burst of flavour.
Creamy Delights: Artichokes thrive alongside rich and creamy ingredients. Dip the tender artichoke leaves into melted butter or hollandaise sauce for a decadent treat that elevates the vegetable's inherent creaminess.
Cheese Combinations: Artichokes and cheese make a match made in heaven. Experiment with goat cheese, feta, or Parmesan to create tantalizing dips or incorporate them into salads or pasta dishes for a flavour explosion.
Herbal Infusions: Fresh herbs such as thyme, parsley, and basil add a refreshing and aromatic element to artichokes. Incorporate them into dressings, stuffings, or as a finishing touch to enhance the overall taste.
Now it's your turn to get creative in the kitchen, experimenting with different recipes, and discovering the artichoke combinations that truly excite your taste buds.