With their rich purple-red colour and delicate, almost sweet flavour, beetroot provide stunning colour for winter meals.
Beetroots are in heaviest supply from May to November. However, they are available all year round.
Select small to medium, well-shaped beetroot with smooth, firm skin and a deep, purple-red colour.
If t leaves are still attached, they should look fresh.
To store, remove the leaves, leaving 3cm of the stem attached to the bulb and use the leaves within a day or so. You can keep the beetroot bulbs in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.
Raw beetroot bulbs can be peeled and grated or cut into fine julienne and added to salads.
The bulbs can also be boiled, baked or microwaved. The cooking times will vary depending on the bulb size – it helps to choose bulbs of a similar size so they will cook in the same time.
Was well before cooking – avoid breaking the skin as this can cause “bleeding”. Test if the beetroot are tender by inserting a secure or the tip of a small knife. Wear gloves to peel the cooked beetroots to prevent stains on your fingers.
Wrap in foil, place on a baking tray and bake at 180oC for 1-1 ½ hours or until tender. Cool for 10 minutes then peel and use as desired.
Do not trim the ends or tops off. Boil in a large saucepan of salted boiling water for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until tender.
Place beetroot into a microwave-safe dish with ¼ cup water. Cover and cook on HIGH /100% for 8-11 minutes or until tender.
To serve cooked beetroot, cut into quarters or pieces and toss with a dressing of extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, grated orange rind and salt and pepper. Other flavours which complement beetroot include lemon. Caraway seeds, cumin, ginger, dill and mint.