Fuyu Fruit Large (Each)


$4.20 Each;

Fuyu Sweet persimmon (is the non-astringent type) is round with a slightly flattened top at the stem and has a pale to deep orange, glossy skin and apricot coloured flesh. The persimmon can be eaten firm and crunchy like an apple (the peel is edible) and can be cut into wedges or slices that reveal a decorative star pattern. Or you can also eat them after allowing them to soften. 

Try in salads, cheese boards and cereals: Slice and toss sweet persimmons into salads with chopped hazelnuts and leafy greens.  Or cut into wedges and serve with cheese platters. For a honey-flavoured addition add slices to hot or cold cereals.

The main variety is Fuyu so it is can be confusing as Sweet Persimmon is also known as Fuji fruit and Fuyu.