Feijoa (Each)


Feijoa, also known as guavasteen or pineapple guava are in season in Autumn and can be eaten just like kiwifruit.

Oval-shaped with olive-green skin colour and a pale yellow flesh that is soft when ripe Feijoa, has a flavour reminiscent of a tropical fruit salad or a combination of pineapple, guava and apple.

Originally from South America, (Southern Brazil, Northern Argentina, and West Paraguay), feijoas are an extremely versatile fruit with very little wastage, simply scooped out and eaten as fresh fruit or use the flesh in fruit salads, juices, smoothies, chutneys, salsa or jams.

Store feijoa in a fruit bowl at room temperature until fruit yields to gentle pressure (like touching the tip of your nose). They cut open and scoop out the flesh.